Man wearing FR Coveralls

Flame Resistant Uniforms

In your line of work, it's the job of your Flame Resistant (FR) workwear to help keep your crew on site and safe. You need to be able to trust your gear to hold up its end of the deal. At Canadian Linen, we understand that support isn't helpful if it isn't the right support. That’s why we take our responsibility to provide clients with high-quality FR uniforms just as seriously as you take the safety of your employees. Our products and services are designed to meet your changing needs.

To learn more about our FR uniform offerings and service programs, browse our products below or contact us today.

Over 25 Years In The FR Industry, From Booms To Busts

You can't afford to trust your FR workwear to just anyone — correct care maintains your workwear's integrity, which in turn helps mantain your crew's safety. You know your business and we know ours.

Your employees need to be protected. It’s why you invest in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). And for those employees who may be subject to electricity, arc flashes and fires, your company has a responsibility to make sure they are outfitted in the proper garments. Not to mention, there are several industry and government regulations to follow. 1 

Some of these regulations that fall on your business include:

  • Do your employees’ garments fit properly?
  • Are the garments being laundered to either the manufacturers’/industry’s standards?
  • If the garment is ripped or torn, is it being repaired with FR materials?
  • Are your employees’ garments being regularly inspected?
  • Is there a scheduled garment retirement / replacement standard?

Uniforms are just part of an overall safety strategy and program for companies…and there is all of this to keep track of.

There are other factors to consider when evaluating what it takes to manage a FR uniform program. Those can include:

  • Is your workforce local, remote, or a combination of both?
  • What does their day-to-day work look like?  Heavy soil? Light soil? Somewhere in-between?
  • Is the work environment one where uniforms get ripped or torn often?
  • What kind of turnover do you see with your workforce?
  • How often are your employees replacing their uniforms?

To learn more about our rental, lease and purchased FR apparel programs, contact us to set an appointment with one of our certified Sales Executives today!



1 NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, ASTM 1449 Standard Guide for Industrial Laundering of Flame, Thermal, and Arc Resistant Clothing, NFPA 2112 Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of Industrial Personally Against Flash Fire, NFPA 2113 Standard on Selection, Care, Use, and Maintenance of Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Flash Fire, ASTM 2757 Standard Guide for Home Laundering Care and Maintenance of Flame, Thermal, and Arc Resistant Clothing.

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